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Yogic Diet: Food as Vibration: What You Need To Know?

Today we catch wind of such countless various ways to deal with diet. How might we slice through the disarray and answer the basic inquiry, "What would it be advisable for me to eat?"

For those looking for God, Paramhansa Yogananda offered this significant direction: "Material food varieties dazzle the psyche with specific positive or negative characteristics, and individuals' contemplations, activities, and wellbeing by and not entirely settled by the food varieties they eat." We want to pick, as he put it, "those material food varieties which discharge and hotel otherworldly vibrations to man and cerebrum." In the event that we eat food with the right energy, it will influence our awareness well.

The three gunas

The Three Gunas and the Science of Healthy Diet -

That's what yogananda advised, "One's eating regimen ought to be bound to food sources which are effortlessly changed over into energy… .." This implies unadulterated, regular food sources that advance great wellbeing and ideal essentialness. Indeed, even new food varieties, nonetheless, varyingly affect our cognizance. The yoga lessons suggest following an eating regimen that advances congruity as opposed to excitement, one that keeps the sensory system quiet and serene, and fills the body with energy, essentialness and strength.

Yoga instructs that all creation, including food, is made out of three inconspicuous characteristics (gunas): hoisting, initiating, and obscuring. In Sanskrit, these characteristics are called sattwic, rajasic and tamasic. At the point when we eat or encircle ourselves with one of these characteristics, our awareness is attracted that course.


Sattvic Food: Meaning, Benefits, Foods List, Diet Plan

Sattwa guna is the positive quality, drawing us toward goodness, truth, virtue and otherworldliness. Food varieties that are normal, quieting, or purifying are sattwic, as are food sources that increment life, imperativeness, virtue, strength, wellbeing, and happiness.

These incorporate crude leafy foods, nuts and seeds, as well as water, air and daylight. They cultivate inside us such characteristics as extensiveness, insight, innovativeness, love, compassion, serenity, tolerance, commitment and honesty.


Rajo guna is the nonpartisan quality — i.e., not really by the same token "great" or "terrible." It is, be that as it may, enacting, making consistent movement and movement. Food varieties that are cooked, flavored, invigorating or connoisseur will generally be rajasic, as does food that is exorbitantly hot, harsh, acrid, or pungent.

Normally rajasic food sources incorporate sheep, poultry, fish, entire grains, daintily cooked vegetables and natural products, onions, garlic, eggs, espresso, tobacco, refined sugar, sodas, fats, and oils. They lead us toward such "development arranged" characteristics as desire, interest, anxiety, imprudence, over-reality, or being definite.


Yogic Diet: Food as Vibration  Ananda Yogic Diet: Food as Vibration

Tamo guna is the negative quality, drawing us toward dimness or malevolence, lie, inactivity, obliviousness. Food varieties that are overcooked, ruined or unwholesome are tamasic.

Tamasic food sources incorporate cocktails, rotten cheddar, rotisserie food, dried meats, exceptionally hot zesty food sources, and food varieties that are over handled, chemicalized, canned or aged. Tamasic food sources lead us toward bluntness, lethargy, outrage, pessimism, greed, misdirection, desire, and body-awareness.

The ideal diet

Paramhansa Yogananda suggested an eating routine that incorporates food sources with both rajasic and sattwic vibrations. He guided out that we really want toward balance our need to satisfy common obligations (rajas) with the need to keep the breath quiet for reflection (sattwa). Accordingly his suggested diet included entire grains (cooked), vegetables and organic products (crude and daintily cooked), low fat yogurt, curds, milk, margarine, nuts and seeds.

Remember, in any case, that different elements can contribute decidedly to your eating regimen. Despite the fact that every food has its own natural vibrations as indicated by gunas, we can implant it with sattwic vibrations through the manner in which we cook it and eat it.

Spiritualize your cooking

First off, establish a sattwic cooking climate: view your kitchen as a holy spot. Keep it as perfect and systematic as you would a sanctuary. Have a bit "kitchen raised area" with a photograph of your friends and family for whom you are cooking as well as a photograph of the master. Candles and blossoms are additionally useful.

Supplicate and contemplate before you cook, so you'll cook with a focused, uplifting perspective and cherishing heart. Practice appreciation, appreciation and gratefulness as you cook; it will make a seriously cherishing and sacrosanct space. Use cooking as a self-offering and administration to yourself as well as other people. Effectively bring God into your cooking; practice japa (redundancy of the name of God), mantra, reciting or positive assertion to keep you quiet, focused and elevated.

Spiritualize your eating environment

Eating as a Spiritual Practice - good witch kitchen | holistic nutritionist

At the point when the food is prepared, unwind for a couple of seconds prior to eating. Then favor the food — not as a simple custom, but rather with cognizant appreciation and appreciation. At The Growing Light Retreat, we sing a delightful food favoring made by Master Kriyananda: "Get Ruler in Thy light the food we eat for it is Thine. Implant it with Thy love, Thy energy, Thy life divine."

Attempt to make your eating climate lovely and sattwic. It's ideal to eat peacefully, so you can focus on the food without interruptions. Assuming you pay attention to music, utilize delicate, quieting music. Treat your food with affection and regard, biting the food well; this will assist you with better absorbing its actual supplements. Focus additionally on drawing its unpretentious characteristics, so you can more readily ingest amicable, sattwic vibrations.

Keep in mind, food isn't simply a lot of supplements; it is important for God. Yogananda educated, "Consider God before you eat body-feeding food; then think about Him while you are eating it. Then, when you have completed the process of eating, consider God." When you figure out how to eat right food varieties and think right contemplations "you body and brain, decontaminated by this energy, will assume the excellence of the Soul."